Missing Parts Policy

We understand the frustration of receiving a product with missing parts. If you have received a product from Brook Evans that is missing components, please follow these steps to determine the next course of action:

- First, check for hidden parts. Sometimes, the parts are stored in places during shipping that make them difficult to find. Refer to our hidden parts guides to see if your furniture parts are hidden.
- If you still can't find the missing parts after checking for hidden ones, please contact us within 30 days of the delivery date. This will qualify you for a resolution, and we will send you the missing parts or hardware for free.
- Please note that any reports of missing parts made more than 30 days after the delivery date may be refused service. If a replacement part does not solve the issue, you can request a refund or replacement item through My Orders. We provide multiple solutions to address any problems with your order. In some cases, we may require a photo or the original item to be returned in order to provide a resolution. If you are instructed to return the original item and it is not received at our Returns Center, we reserve the right to reverse the refund or charge for a replacement unit.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience and cooperation.

Guidance for Customers Seeking Replacement Parts for Products Purchased Elsewhere:

Dear valued customers, please be aware that if you purchased products from external platforms and are contacting us for assistance in finding missing parts, it is important to understand that fulfilling such requests is unlikely.

This is because our manufacturers typically send us complete products in bulk shipments for our US warehouse. Shipping individual spare parts separately would incur higher costs than the overall product, making it impractical.

Therefore, we suggest reaching out to local shops to find compatible parts for your furniture. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.